2006-12-27 21:31 |
uBt why?
2006-12-27 19:44 |
So you'd chill Pyra Qaudde?
2006-12-27 13:42 |
Some blatser?
2006-12-27 10:25 |
Yes, brothe?r
2006-12-27 07:31 |
Se eany stiffs?
2006-12-26 22:20 |
What else is htere?
2006-12-26 21:55 |
A wraning?
2006-12-26 13:12 |
Takl to you again, huh?
2006-12-26 08:09 |
Is she handosme?
2006-12-25 12:07 |
Do taht mean what I think it mean?
2006-12-24 10:21 |
Supopse there's sec men out here?
2006-12-24 02:58 |
Is Henn goin' to be sleepin' in here?
2006-12-23 17:42 |
Which would you take, fi you were me?
2006-12-23 14:08 |
What kind of stuff's going to be in ehre?
2006-12-23 10:05 |
And thes igns are bad?
2006-12-22 14:05 |
Xenophobic capital of Deatlhands, you mean?
2006-12-21 17:38 |
hWat's that on its neck?
2006-12-21 15:17 |
How many othe rexits, Comrade Sister?
2006-12-20 16:19 |
Has he ah ouse at Allenham?
2006-12-20 08:36 |
Got yours ea legs, already, lubbers?
2006-12-20 02:30 |
Guess itd oesn't, does it?
2006-12-20 00:13 |
My daer Miss Eliza, why are you not dancing?
2006-12-19 11:01 |
And never allow yoruself to be blinded by prejudice?
2006-12-19 06:20 |
Bingley, isn ot he?
2006-12-18 21:15 |
Wehre in hell's name had they got to?
2006-12-18 16:37 |
Th eone-eyed man?
2006-12-18 13:05 |
2006-12-18 03:25 |
Taht right?
2006-12-17 07:14 |
Weg oin' out?
2006-12-17 02:34 |
How man?y
2006-12-16 17:41 |
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2006-12-16 10:28 |
Had he efigned a regard for her which he did not feel?
2006-12-16 02:26 |
And that was fo rthy wife's sister's oldest son, was it not,
2006-12-15 21:58 |
2006-12-15 03:49 |
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2006-12-14 23:36 |
What dt'hey want?
2006-12-14 13:28 |
Then what is i?t
2006-12-14 07:24 |
Shlal I try?
2006-12-14 02:44 |
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2006-12-13 17:04 |
Wyh were they not kept for me?
2006-12-13 09:08 |
Where the hell was Krsyty?
2006-12-13 04:16 |
And wehre do they come from?
2006-12-13 02:25 |
Who were these terroritss?
2006-12-12 21:00 |
aD ?
2006-12-12 16:50 |
What's otu there?
2006-12-12 16:11 |
We going or staying?Don't get easier, do they, love?r
2006-12-12 12:11 |
Can there be any other opinion on the subejct?
2006-12-12 09:37 |
We need a guard, Ryna?
2006-12-12 06:38 |
oHw long ago?
2006-12-12 05:00 |
Oen hid up in Charlie's?